Revisions: Book covers: List prices include TWO REVISIONS to your chosen design, after which a $10.00 fee will be charged for each additional revision.
Art: (Photos are rarely more than $5 - $10 each, and the price will be discussed with the customer before purchase.
PRINTERS: Heaven's Touch Designs is not a printing company! We design according to specifications laid out by PrintPlace.com for most items. Business cards are designed according to VistaPrint specs. If you plan to use a printer other than those mentioned, PLEASE SAY SO BEFORE WE BEGIN DESIGNING, as we'll need to follow your printer's specifications. Resizing AFTER the design will mean an additional fee, as it often entails a complete reworking of the contents.
First 10 Pages: $65
First 50 Pages: $175
Partial Manuscript:
1-100 pages: $4.00 per page
101-200 pages: $3.50 per page
Full Manuscript: $3.00 per page (minimum 201 pages)
A complimentary sample edit (3 double-spaced pages, or 750 words) will give you a sample of my editing style, and help me get a feel for project fee and turnaround time.
I use Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature. If you're not familiar with it, please take time to become comfortable and familiar with its features. You'll need to know your way around Track Changes with almost any editor you work with. I do not provide hard copy edits.
Formatting: Please double space your manuscript, use 12-point Times New Roman font, and set margins to 1-inch all around. My fees are based on this formatting schedule. Deviating could result in a fee increase, as these measurements provide a basis for accurate word count estimation.
We do not proofread, edit, or critique erotica or overly "steamy" manuscripts, nor any kind of highly graphic sex, violence, etc. We reserve the right to refuse service to any client for any reason.
Please send an email with any questions or to initiate a service.
If you're interested in manuscript services and would like to see a sample of our work, please attach up to three pages of your manuscript. In the body of the e-mail, please answer the following questions:
Which editing service do you need?
What is your genre? (i.e., Romance, Science Fiction, Mystery, Self-Help, Auto-biography)
What is your manuscript about? (Two or three sentences is explanation enough.)
What is your manuscript length?
Who is your intended audience? (i.e., Women, Men, Young Adults, Children, Business Officials, Christian Community, etc.)